Good morning lovely Gaia, Mother Earth
Thank you that most earthly children can walk a new day softly over your skin.
Thank you that we walk together with the crystal and the stone people, the plant and the tree people, the two the three and the four legged, the fur, fin, feather and wings people, and creepy crawly people.
And Gaia thank you that you have so much unconditional love, compassion, endless passions and forgiveness towards all your children. That you took us in your arms and made us part in all your beauty.
Thank you Gaia Mother/father that you have so much pure, healthy, fresh salty and sweet water
And that you have so much pure, healthy, strong, colourful, fertile, healing, magnificent crowing and expanding landscapes.
With all your valleys, meadows, hills, mountains, snowy-top mountains and all your holy snowy-top mountains, with your highlands and lowlands, fjords and tiny desserts. And your sandy, rocky, tropical, coral and volcano coastlines.
And Gaia Mother/father earth thank you that most your landscapes are grown over with pure, healthy, strong, colourful, fertile, healing magnificent, crowing and expanding beautiful woods, forest, rainforest and tropical forest wherein many healing plant and tree people grow.
And thank you that all your plant and tree people provide us with pure, healthy, clear clean, fresh live giving and live saving air so all us earthly children breathing in this air and all that us earthly children breathing out is the live giving air that all the plant and tree people need. So all this is perfect in balance.
And Mother/father earth thank you that you have so much beautiful healing colours and in so much variety. That you brought us the blue sky so we see our Mother/father Sun and feel there light, love, warmed and energy.
And thank you that you brought us the tiny cloud people, the summer breeze, wind, storm, thunder and lightning, the rain, hail, and the snow people. So when they all pass by everything looks healthy, strong, pure, clear, clean, and fresh again.
Gaia thank you that you provide us with your pure healthy clear clean fresh sweet waters. So when we drink your sweet water or purify with your water we remember again that we are one. And we also feel healthy, strong, powerful, perfectly working, balanced and in harmony again.
Gaia thank you so much that you provide us with your pure delicious, healthy, nutritious, colourful, fresh and in variety tasting grains, seeds, roods, vegetables, loafs, fruits, herbs and spices. So when we eat or drink them we also feel healthy, strong, powerful, perfectly working, balanced and in harmony again.
Thank you so much Gaia that you lend us everything that we need to build shelters, so now we all have a home and feel safe.
And thank you that we live with our brothers and sisters the animals. So we watched them and learned how to live in peace, harmony, unconditional love, compassion and respect, in freedom, joy and happiness, in good health, strength, trough and honesty, wisdom, knowledge, creativity, beauty, music, art, and a unity consciousness that everyone only take what it really needs, that everyone is sharing, that there is always enough, that everything is in balance, that everything is love and everything is light.
Thank you Gaia that you heal us, guide us, teach us, protecting us, that we can always talk to you, that you listening and give us your answer to our questions. That you’ve helped all your children to grow so we all became our better higher self.
And thank you so much that you have helped us earthly children with remembering who we really are because you kept all the information safe. So we have found, learned and know that we all are these;
pure divine, loving full, compassion full, forgiving, wise, with knowledge, helping, supporting, guiding, teaching, healers, protectors, conscious, responsible, perfectly working, healthy, strong, powerful, balanced, harmonious, pure, bright crystalline, shining, enlightened, flexible, smart, truthful, honest, universal law serving, the highest greater good serving, the most purest unconditional love serving, warm, beautiful, majestic, magical, mystical, magnificent, wonderful, universal and super universal creators and loving gods and creators loving goddesses, THAT WE ARE THE ENLIGHTING ONES SO NOW WE ALL SHINE OUR LIGHT!
Thank you so much Gaia that you gave live, that you gave us a home in this so special time, in this so special moment. That you were willing to be our mother and suds a warm loving full, compassionfull, forgiving, wise, with knowledge, helping, supporting, guiding, teaching, healer, protector, conscious, responsible, perfectly working, healthy, strong, powerful, balanced, harmonious, pure, bright crystalline, shining, enlightened, flexible, smart, truthful, honest, universal law serving, the highest greater good serving, the most purest unconditional love serving, warm, beautiful, majestic, magical, mystical, magnificent, wonderful, perfect mother you are.
Thank you so much dear Gaia Mother/father earth. We all love you, many blessings to you and all that is good you receive eternally.
Thank you so much dear Gaia Mother/father earth. We all love you, many blessings to you and all that is good you receive eternally.
Thank you so much dear Gaia Mother/father earth. We all love you, many blessings to you and all that is good you receive eternally.
And So It Is, and It Is So